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Endurnýtanleg bogacare® MICRO CLEANING PAD er helst til þess fallin að hreinsa um augu og eyru. Hágæða örtrefjar draga í sig óhreinindi og þökk sé bakteríudrepandi silfurjónatækni þess, kemur í veg fyrir útbreiðslu skaðlegra baktería.


Innihald: 1 stykki


Product benefits and effectiveness

  • High-tech microfiber for effective removal für die effektive removal of contaminates
  • Antibacterial thanks to patented silver-ion technology
  • Continuous release of silver-ions through polymer coating of the fibers
  • Ideal for the application of our bogacare® PERFECT EYE CLEANER or bogacare® EAR CLEANER
  • Environmentally friendly: washable and reusable
  • Usage period when using daily, approx. 8 weeks

Moisten the bogacare® MICRO CLEANING PAD with a liberal amount of bogacare® PERFECT EYE CLEANER. Soften up and remove any dried crusts. Wash out with water after application. When used daily, replace the PAD after 8-12 weeks.

2,530 kr.